After much anticipation, pan-Indian film Hari Hara Veera Mallu starring Power Star Pawan Kalyan will finally be hitting the theatres on March 28. It has already generated enough buzz among fans as one of the most eagerly-awaited Telugu films of the year.
In a shocking twist, yet another new entrant Nithiin, who comes on board with his soon-to-be-released film Robin Hood, directed by Venky Kudumula. The makers have now announced the new date for its release on March 28 and it happens to be a direct clash with Pawan Kalyan’s Hari Hara Veera Mallu.
Such attention it has drawn among the movie lovers, particularly because Nithiin himself is a great admirer of Pawan Kalyan. This overlap in release dates has created curiosity and buzz from the fans to see how both of these films do at the box office.
There are a number of other big releases scheduled for the same day, so all of this puts everyone into box office competition. Whether these films are adhering to their announced dates or changing them to avoid each other is left to be seen. Building up excitement, people are waiting for an update of what’s to come as the battle enters some level of cinematic excitement.
This summer, buckle up for the ADVENTUROUS ENTERTAINER that is going to erupt on the big screens 💥💥#Robinhood IN CINEMAS WORLDWIDE ON MARCH 28th ❤🔥@actor_nithiin @sreeleela14 @VenkyKudumula @gvprakash @MythriOfficial @SonyMusicSouth
— Mythri Movie Makers (@MythriOfficial) January 18, 2025