Tamil Cinema Actor Vishal is riding high on the tremendous success of his recent comedy entertainer, Madha Gaja Raja. Directed by Sundar C, this much-awaited film had been in production for 12 long years before finally hitting theaters. The crowd has been pouring in to hail the film’s success. Meanwhile, at a special Thanksgiving event in Chennai, Vishal delighted his fans when he announced a new project alongside acclaimed director Gautham Menon.
This is their first major collaboration, though Gautham Menon had earlier made a cameo appearance in Vishal’s rural action film Rathnam, directed by Hari. Though the details of their new film are kept under wraps, the news has excited fans, who are eager to see what this dynamic duo will bring to the screen.
Vishal’s future projects are looking promising with Detective 2 and another film director, Ajay Gnanamuthu, already in the works. With his partnership with Gautham Menon added to the mix, Vishal’s lineup has never looked stronger.
Meanwhile, Gautham Menon is preparing for his first Malayalam direction with Dominic and the Ladies’ Purse. The mystery thriller, which has Mollywood super star Mammootty, will hit theaters on January 23, 2025. It is going to be an exciting milestone for the director in the career as he tries his hands on Malayalam cinema, promising audiences a gripping, thrilling experience.