Former minister and BRS Executive President K T Rama Rao got a big relief from the Telangana High Court on Wednesday, which has allowed to take a lawyer with him for the hearing before the ACB in the Formula E race case. However, the judge suggested that the names of three lawyers be given to the court first.
The court said that one of the three will be allowed to accompany KTR. The next hearing was adjourned to 4 pm. The High Court has taken up the lunch motion petition of KTR. Advocate Prabhakar Rao argued in the court that his lawyer should be allowed to accompany KTR as part of the ACB hearing.
He reminded that the Supreme Court had previously allowed the permission of a lawyer and also told the court that the High Court had allowed the same during the hearing of AP political leader Avinash Reddy.
Additional Advocate General Rajinikanth Reddy of the government argued on behalf of the ACB and pleaded that KTR’s lawyer should not be allowed to appear along with him. In this context, the court questioned the AAG about what the problem is if a lawyer is allowed?
On the 6th of this month, former minister KTR went to the ACB office in Hyderabad along with his lawyers. On that occasion, the police did not allow the lawyers to enter the ACB office. KTR immediately left without attending the hearing.
In this context, KTR filed a lunch motion petition in the Telangana High Court seeking permission to have his lawyer present for the ACB hearing. He approached the court after the ACB issued notices to appear for the hearing again on Thursday.
Since the hearing did not take place, the ACB officials issued another notice to KTR on the same day. It stated that he should appear for the hearing on the 9th of this month. KTR is A1 in the Formula-E car race case.