Former minister Perni Nani’s wife Jayasudha, who is the main accused in the ration rice theft case (A-1), said that her manager Manasa Teja used to look after all the affairs of the godown. She reportedly expressed her innocence over godown affairs and that she did not know anything about these matters.
She appeared for questioning at the Machilipatnam taluka police station on Wednesday. The questioning took place from 2 pm to 4.30 pm in the presence of lawyers. Robertsonpet CI Yesubabu and Machilipatnam taluka SI Satyanarayana asked her several questions.
When was the godown constructed in Potlapalem? How much land was purchased? In whose name is the godown? When and on what rent was it given to the government? Did you yourself look after the rice storage affairs in the godown? Who looked after the cash transactions? They asked such questions and obtained details.
Later, the police made her sign two sureties. Later, she came from the station. Meanwhile, Jayasudha’s arrival at the station in the car allocated by the government to the Mayor of Machilipatnam Municipal Corporation has become controversial. On the other hand, a large number of YSRCP workers reached there and created a commotion as soon as she arrived.
It may be recalled that Perni Jayasudha, who is A-1 in the rice theft case, was granted anticipatory bail by the Krishna District Court on the 30th of last month. There were allegations that ration rice had disappeared from Perni Nani’s godown. The Civil Supplies Department officials who investigated this found that 185 metric tons of ration rice had gone missing.
The name of this godown was in Jayasudha’s name and she paid a fine of Rs. 1.68 crore for the ration rice that had gone missing during the inspections. On the other hand, when Joint Collector Geetanjali Sharma stepped into the field and conducted inspections, the officials concluded that a total of 378 metric tons of rice had gone missing.
With this, notices were issued to pay a fine for the remaining rice as well. Meanwhile, she approached the district court seeking anticipatory bail after the stage was set for the arrest of Perni Jayasudha in this matter. The court granted her anticipatory bail in this case. However, the court instructed her to cooperate with the police investigation. In this context, Perni Jayasudha along with her lawyers attended the police investigation for the investigation of this case.