Narasaraopet MP Lavu Srikrishna Devaraya has been appointed as the leader of the TDP Parliamentary Party ahead of the Lok Sabha session starting on June 24. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu convened a TDP parliamentary meeting following the conclusion of the assembly session today, where the parliamentary leader was selected. Byreddy Sabari and Daggubati Prasad Rao have been named deputy floor leaders, while Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy has been appointed as treasurer. Harish Balayogi will serve as the parliamentary party whip in the Lok Sabha.
In the recent elections, TDP won 16 out of the 25 Lok Sabha seats in Andhra Pradesh. With the alliance with the NDA, two TDP MPs have been included in the Union Cabinet: Srikakulam MP Kinjarapu Rammohan Naidu as the Union Minister of State for Civil Aviation and Guntur MP Pemmasani Chandrasekhar as the Union Minister of State for Rural Development and Communications. Chandrababu Naidu’s appointments emphasize youth, with Lavu Srikrishna Devaraya’s selection highlighting this focus.
In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Lavu Srikrishna Devarayalu won the Narasaraopet MP seat on a YSRCP ticket but joined TDP before the 2024 elections. He contested from the same seat and defeated YSRCP’s Anil Kumar Yadav.
Lavu Sri Krishna Devarayalu Elected as TDP Parliamentary Leader
Sunday, January 19, 2025