Former YSRCP minister Anil Kumar Yadav has been transferred from the Nellore city assembly seat to the Narasaraopet Lok Sabha seat. During an election rally, Anil Kumar declared, “I am standing in Palnadu, the land of the warriors, and if I lose, I will quit politics.”
In the recent elections, he faced a humiliating defeat by TDP candidate Lavu Srikrishna Devarayalu, leading to significant trolling on social media. Netizens have been questioning when he will fulfill his promise to quit politics. In response, Anil Kumar Yadav offered an intriguing reply.
“It is true that I challenged him to quit politics if I lost, but a challenge only counts when someone accepts it,” he explained. Since no one accepted his challenge, he argued that he doesn’t have to honor his word and questioned for whom he should quit politics.
Anil Kumar Yadav also referenced a dialogue from the film *Hanuman Junction* that he likes: “The winner has to say… The loser should listen.” He elaborated, “Today, they (TDP) are saying… We’re listening… They’re trolling… Let them do it… It’s okay.” He added, “If we’re in a position to troll ourselves, we’ve grown up… That too is publicity for us.”
Anil Kumar Yadav Reacts On TDP Leaders Attacks On YSRCP Leaders, Warns Chandrababu & Pawan Kalyan
Friday, September 20, 2024